This guide is aimed to provide you with the knowledge to switch to the chart, understand its components, customize intervals, and interpret the data effectively. Use this knowledge to make informed decisions and drive better outcomes in your projects.
Section 1: . Accessing the Histogram Chart
1.1 Locate and click on the chart icon in the switcher panel.
Section 2:. Understanding the Histogram Chart
Issue Distribution: It visually represents the number of issues within different time intervals.
Average Line: An average line is displayed, indicating the average time of the issues in the selected status group.
Default Bins: By default, the histogram is divided into 7 bins, each representing a distinct time interval.
Section 3: . Customizing the Histogram Chart
By default, the intervals are calculated as the difference between the overflow and underflow values, divided by 5. This ensures a balanced representation of the data.
Section 4: . Interpreting the Histogram Chart