Adding a blocker stop a process run at a given point. No issue after that point can be created until the tasks before aren't completed. This simple action turns basic runs into powerful workflows.
You can use a single blocker in your workflows, add a series of blockers to the specific sections of your process, or add blockers to every process step, which effectively enforces the order that your workflow run is completed.
How to add a block to the selected process step?
In the process editing window, select the step that must be in the Submitted state for the following tasks to be created.
When the block is added, a flag icon will appear next to the step, for easy understanding of which tasks are blocked.
As soon as the form that contains the block is submitted, all other tasks will be created at once (to the next Block if such is available).
The block to Approval step
You can also add a block to the approval step. The following tasks will not start until all users who have to approve the step have done so.
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