Chart Reports View

Types of Charts

The add-on supports four types of graphs: PieBar, Area, and Sunburst Charts.

Pie Chart
Bar Chart

According to all other charts, the Sunburst Chart is out of the ordinary. It is ideal for visualizing complex relationships within Status Groups and deeply exploring and comparing proportions within hierarchical data.


To configure data at Chart Reports you can use the same features as at Grid Reports.

You can choose different kinds of reports to monitor data visually.

Filter the data by AssigneeFilterLabelProjectReporter or Sprint.

Use Date ranges function to customize your report timeframes.

Select Calendar to choose a custom calendar you've added previously or a default 24/7 one.  

To configure Metrics at Chart Reports, choose Duration and its Period.

Save and present your Chart Reports exporting them to PNG, JPEG, PDF, SVG files.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at

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