
  1. Click the “SLA Manager” button in the top right corner.

2. At the bottom of the page you’ll get a block with goals configuration.

3. Add goals (time limits) to your SLA config and enable the Custom fields.

4. Click a “Save&Go to report” button to move to the grid with data.

5. Click the Columns Manager to get a drop-down where you can type text and find the necessary item.

6. Add a column with selected SLA Config Goal from the Jira list.

7. Then move to a JQL function in 2 ways:

8. Type this code in the search field and save a filter based on it.

JQL - "field name" != EMPTY

9. Go to Dashboard and create a new one.

10. Choose the access type: Public or Private.


Note: Public means that every team member can see and edit info on dashboard.

Private gives access for editing only for the owner (for you in this case).

Note: Public means that every team member can see and edit info on dashboard.

Private gives access for editing only for the owner (for you in this case).

11. Add a gadget to a Dashboard.

12. Choose a Pie Chart.

13. Configure it according to your needs.

That’s all! 🎉 Get a ready-generated Pie Chart Gadget.

If you need any help or have questions, please contact us via SaaSJet Support or email

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