
Note! Only the admin can monitor the process of refund or unsubscription.

Subscription starts at the beginning of the trial period. To get the detailed data:

  1. Go to the Admin billing page.

  2. You’ll get such a window with a few options on it.

If you don’t click anything, the payment will charge automatically.

If you need to stop your trial period, click the “Stop trial” button and the payment won’t charge.

Click “Uninstall” if you want to uninstall the app.

If you want to cancel your subscription, please have the billing or technical contact on file log into After logging, they will select the subscription in question, which will open a drop-down menu. Select Cancel Subscription option. 

Any future renewals will not be handled as a result of this. Your site will be available until 15 days after the end of your subscription period, then it will be canceled.

The data will be deleted in 14 days (for trial sites) or 60 days (for paid subscription sites) after cancellation. Your website data cannot be restored after deletion. 

You can discover more information in Data Storage FAQ.


Refunds for cloud subscriptions are available within the first paid month after the trial period for monthly subscriptions, and within 30 days of payment for annual subscriptions. After these periods we cannot offer refunds.


Automatic renewals are enabled by default for cloud services that renew on a monthly basis.

You'll need a renewal quotation on file to allow automatic renewals for your yearly cloud site. Annual cloud subscription renewal quotes are emailed to the billing contact on file 60 days before the subscription is due to be renewed.

The billing contact on file will be able to check the renewal quotation after logging into and selecting the Orders page. Next to the yearly renewal quote, click Pay. Upon payment of the estimate, the option to enable Auto-Renew is offered. The subscription will be set up for automatic renewal after it has been paid for.

If you have additional questions regarding the subscription, refund, renewal processes, please, contact Atlassian support.

If you need any help or have questions, please contact us via SaaSJet Support or email

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