A Process Template is a set of Steps with forms, checklists, and instructions users can set for further assignment and approval. Create a template for each recurring process to automate workflows across teams and departments, in seconds.

The Process Template includes such entities:


Step creates issues in selected Project.

Step creates issues in selected Project.


By default, submitted form data saves inside the issue it has been added to.

By default, submitted form data saves inside the issue it has been added to.


Conditional step create issues linked to main step.

Conditional step create issues linked to main step.


Approver doesn't create any issues. Add-on reassign selected issue to Approver and show form with Approve/Reject buttons.

Approver doesn't create any issues. Add-on reassign selected issue to Approver and show form with Approve/Reject buttons.


Groups don't create any issues.

Groups don't create any issues.

Find out more about process template settings in this video tutorial.

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