Exported report samples (Excel)

Exported report samples (Excel)

Here, you can find the most popular reports according to our users. Look at these examples with in-app view and exported Excel files and get inspiration to create yours.

User activity in Jira (Issues updated by the specific user)

You can create this report using the “Updated by” filter and choose one or multiple users to review what updates they've made to tasks. This allows you to track changes such as status updates, comments, or other field modifications, providing a clear overview of each user's contributions and activity within Jira projects.

Example: Issues updated this week in the project by the specific user

Fields included: summary, status, priority, issue key, comment, work log.

In-app view
In-app view

Excel file sample

Status change history

This report allows you to track how tasks progress through different stages, such as "To Do," "In Progress," or "Done." With this information, you can monitor workflow efficiency, identify bottlenecks, and gain insights into the team's overall performance.

Example: Status updated this week in the selected sprint by any user

Excel file sample

With the available status filter, you can also select specific transition like “In progress - To do”. Check some examples in the article: Status transition history for multiple Jira issues

Assignee change history

This report lets you track when and why tasks were reassigned, providing insights into workload distribution, team collaboration, and task handoffs. It's a valuable tool for understanding how responsibilities shift within your team.

Example: Assignee updates in the selected project during the last 90 days.

Excel file sample

Comment change history

Tracking comments changes isn’t available by default. Learn how to activate tracking comments updates. This report provides insights into communication patterns, collaboration progress, and key discussions within tasks. It allows you to track when comments were added, edited, or deleted. It’s a helpful way to stay informed about project details and team interactions.

Example: Comments history for the selected project updated by any user.





Excel file sample


*This report uses Activity View.

Description change history

This report lets you track when and how task descriptions were modified, providing insights into evolving requirements, clarifications, or additional details added during the project lifecycle. It’s a useful way to monitor changes and maintain transparency in task documentation.

Excel file sample

*This report uses Activity View.


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