Native Date Functions Support

Perform searches based on the start or end of a specific time range: startOfDay(), startOfMonth(), startOfWeek(), startOfYear(), endOfDay(), endOfMonth(), endOfWeek(), endOfYear().

You can select parameters ((+/-nn (y|M|w|d|h|m)), where: y-year, M-Month, w - week, d - day, h - hour, m - minutes.

E.g. Find new issues that have been created in the last three days: created > startOfDay("-3d")

Now() runs without parameters.

These functions are supported by fields: Created, Due, Resolved, Updated, custom fields of type Date/Time.

Also, you can find some hints for data entry fields.

Learn more about the native date function in the tables below.



Perform searches based on the current time.

Supported fields

Created, Due, Resolved, Updated, custom fields of type Date/Time

Supported operators

"= , != , > , >= , < , <= WAS* , WAS IN* , WAS NOT* , WAS NOT IN* , CHANGED*"

* only in predicate

Unsupported operators

~ , !~ IS , IS NOT , IN , NOT IN


Find issues that are overdue:

duedate < now() and status not in (closed, resolved)



Perform searches based on the start of the current day.




where inc is an optional increment of (+/-)nn(y|M|w|d|h|m). If the time unit qualifier is omitted, it defaults to the natural period of the function, e.g. endOfMonth("+1") is the same as endOfMonth("+1M"). If the plus/minus (+/-) sign is omitted, plus is assumed.

If the time unit qualifier is omitted, it defaults to the natural period of the function, e.g. startOfDay("+1") is the same as startOfDay("+1d").

If the plus/minus (+/-) sign is omitted, plus is assumed.

Supported fields

Created, Due, Resolved, Updated, custom fields of type Date/Time

Supported operators

"= , != , > , >= , < , <= WAS* , WAS IN* , WAS NOT* , WAS NOT IN* , CHANGED*"

* only in predicate

Unsupported operators

~ , !~ IS , IS NOT , IN , NOT IN


  • Find new issues created since the start of today:

created > startOfDay()

  • Find new issues created since the start of yesterday:

created > startOfDay("-1")

  • Find new issues created in the last three days:

created > startOfDay("-3d")

End of Month()


Perform searches based on the end of the current month.




where inc is an optional increment of (+/-)nn(y|M|w|d|h|m). If the time unit qualifier is omitted, it defaults to the natural period of the function, e.g. endOfMonth("+1") is the same as endOfMonth("+1M"). If the plus/minus (+/-) sign is omitted, plus is assumed.

Supported fields

Created, Due, Resolved, Updated, custom fields of type Date/Time

Supported operators

= , != , > , >= , < , <= WAS* , WAS IN* , WAS NOT* , WAS NOT IN* , CHANGED*

* only in predicate

Unsupported operators

~ , !~ IS , IS NOT , IN , NOT IN


  • Find issues due by the end of this month:
    due < endOfMonth()

  • Find issues due by the end of next month:
    due < endOfMonth("+1")

  • Find issues due by the 15th of next month:
    due < endOfMonth("+15d")

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at

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