Manual Form Addition to Jira issue

Manual Form Addition to Jira issue allows personally including one or multiple forms to a specific Jira issue. In addition to allowing the user to fill out a form in a Jira issue, it can be shared with external users from the issue.


  • Manually add to issue one or multiple forms.

  • Save form as Draft in its current state to return and complete it later. Read more.

    • Revise draft changes of form or restore specific versions.

Abilities of form that was added to Jira issue manually

  • Share form from an issue with non-Jira users. So, their responses will be saved in the existing issue. Read more.

  • Change values of Jira issue fields to forms elements responses after forms submission with the feature Destination field. Read more.

  • Create a new Jira issue with values of Jira issue fields based on forms elements responses after forms submission. Read more.

  • Download all form responses or only responses from one form instance. Read more.

  • Add the same instance of one form as many times as needed.

Instruction on how to add a form to a Jira issue manually

  1. Open the Smart Jira Forms add-on. Create a new form or use an existing one.

  2. Create a new issue or use the existing one. Open it and click the Smart Jira Forms icon in the add-on section. It is under issue summary.

  3. Now there is an add-on widget in the issue. Select the needed form in the search and press Add Form button. Also, you can click Form Manager and go to add-on to create a new form.

  4. To add more forms to the issue press Add Form button and search for one more form of earlier created in the add-on.

  1. Download all form responses or only responses from one form instance. Analyze and work with data from the survey in your way. Read more.


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