Cost report permissions

Cost report permissions

It is possible to share the particular Cost report with any member of Jira instance.

As a user with access to add-on, you have to open the Cost reports list and hover over the report you would like to share with others. Then click on Permission icon.

Select any active Jira user or group from the list and Confirm the changes.

Once done, feel free to send direct URL to user or group of people to whom you provided access. They should be able to see the report.

If several reports have been shared, then particular user will be able to see the list of them in Cost report section of the app.

Please note, the user you shared report to will be able to view the report. No edit option is available at this time.

If you want some users to have access to edit the report - use Manage app section.

In order to remove permissions from the Cost report, please navigate to the same Permission icon and click Remove against the user who should not have permission to particular report any longer.


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