Power BI Additional Charts for Analyzing Time in Status Data

Power BI Additional Charts for Analyzing Time in Status Data

You can generate more charts in Power BI but must manipulate the data. Next, we'll look at setting them up.

Count of Created Issues by Year/Quarter/Month/Day


The Count of Created Issues by Year/Quarter/Month/Day chart provides a detailed breakdown of the number of new issues created over different time periods. This chart helps you understand the volume and distribution of new issues, enabling you to identify trends, plan resources, and optimize your workflow.


  • Trend Analysis. Identify trends in the creation of new issues over time.

  • Resource Planning. Make informed decisions about resource allocation based on the volume of the new issues.

  • Performance Monitoring. Track the efficiency of issue creation and resolution processes.

  • Proactive Management. Anticipate and address potential spikes in issue volume to maintain workflow efficiency.




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Count of Resolved Issues by Year/Quarter/Month/Day


The Count of Resolved Issues by Year/Quarter/Month/Day chart provides a detailed breakdown of the number of issues resolved over different time periods. This chart helps you understand the volume and distribution of resolved issues, enabling you to track progress, identify trends, and optimize your workflow.


  • Progress Tracking. Monitor the resolution of issues over time to ensure timely completion.

  • Resource Allocation. Make informed decisions about resource allocation based on the volume of resolved issues.

  • Performance Monitoring. Track the efficiency of issue resolution processes.

  • Proactive Management. Identify trends and address potential bottlenecks to maintain workflow efficiency.





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Created vs. Resolved Issues


The Created vs. Resolved Issues chart compares the number of issues created versus the number of resolved over different time periods. Using the Created vs. Resolved Issues chart, you can clearly understand the balance between created and resolved issues over time. This enables you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your processes, track progress, and improve overall efficiency.

Count of Issues by Issue Type


The Count of Issues by Issue Type chart visually represents the number of issues categorized by their type. By using the Count of Issues by Issue Type chart, you can clearly understand the distribution and volume of different types of issues.

To create such a chart, you need to transform the Issue Type field into a Hierarchy. This is done in just a few clicks.


Count of Issues by Priority


The Count of Issues by Priority chart visually represents the number of issues categorized by their priority level. This chart helps you understand the distribution and volume of issues based on their urgency, enabling you to prioritize tasks, allocate resources effectively, and optimize your workflow.

Similarly to the previous chart, you first need to create a hierarchy and then move the values to the required fields.

Pie Chart: Average of Cycle Time & Lead Time

To create this chart, you need to go to the table and create columns that will calculate these time metrics.

  1. Add Custom Column.

  1. Enter the name and formula for the calculation. In this case, Lead Time is the sum of all the statuses in which tasks were in, except for the Done status, so as not to distort the data.

  1. The column will be added to the table.

  1. The Cycle Time column is created using a similar algorithm.

  1. The calculated values must be converted to Decimal format.

  1. Next, go to the dashboard and update the data.


When we've done everything we need to do, we can operate on the calculated data. And create a chart according to the settings on the screen.


The Pie Chart: Average of Cycle Time & Lead Time visually represents the average cycle time and lead time for your projects. This chart helps you understand the proportion of time spent on active work (cycle time) versus the total time from request to delivery (lead time), enabling you to identify areas for improvement and optimize your workflow.

Average of Cycle Time by Month


The Average of Cycle Time by Month chart visually represents the average cycle time for tasks or issues over different months. This chart helps you understand the efficiency of your workflow over time, enabling you to identify trends, optimize processes, and improve overall performance.

Here, we have provided only examples of how to use time in status data in Power BI dashboards. There are many more options, and it's important to choose yours for a high-quality analysis of your workflow and processes.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at support@saasjet.atlassian.net

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