1. Choose the report 

Choose the report you want to generate (see the list of reports).

2. Filter the data

When generating the reports, you can filter data by:

3. Choose a Calendar

Select a necessary Calendar to generate the data. There you can choose a custom calendar you've added previously or a default 24/7 one.  

4. Column Manager

In the Column manager, you can manage the Issue Fields, Status Groups (read more about Status Groups), User Groups (read more about User Groups) and Statuses.

5. Adding SLA Column

First of all, you need to tap on the “Issue Fields” field to get a drop-down list with all available issue fields.

  1. Choose the necessary SLA (Time to Response, Time to First Response, Time to Resolution, Time to Resolution (Roadmap). OR choose all of them.

2. Click on a "Save" button.

3. Get all necessary columns with SLA data to generate a report. 

6. Chart Reports

All reports are available as Grid and as Charts.

Three types of graphs are available: PieBar and Area Charts.

For more information, visit Chart Reports View

7. Filtering issues

Use the Filter issues functionality to customize report timeframes.

From the drop-down list, you can select three date ranges that allow sorting issues depending on the dates of creating, updating, or finishing issues.

In case you have filtered the issue list by sprint, you can select the date period according to the sprint time period.

Useful tips show the detailed meaning of what each of the ranges means.

Then you can choose the time period, for which you want to get the report.

By clicking on Any dates, you’ll get 2 calendars displayed on a screen.

  1. Issues period – to select issues Created, Updated, or Resolved during the required period.

  2. Time reporting period – to get issues for a specific date or date range without taking into consideration creating, updating, or resolving.

Read more in Issues and Time Reporting Periods section.       


8. Choose a Time format

Option Format lets you select the time format of status duration:


To extract the data for analysis, please choose one of the Decimal time formats (Decimal Hours, Decimal Days or Decimal Weeks). It will enable you to perform calculations on the exported data and build charts.

9. Sorting data

Tap the column to sort the values in descending or ascending order. You can sort any column, include Jira fields and calculation data.

Sorting data is available in all reports based on issues or assignees.

10. Share reports

Click button Share to create and copy the link for sharing with your colleges or clients.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact us through a SaaSJet Support or via email support@saasjet.atlassian.net

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