Repeated activities happen over and over again, and systematically take a lot of time from managers' routines. 

With the Recurring Checklists and Reports add-on, you can set the automated Recurring issues creation on a regular basis: daily, monthly, or annually. Also, you can set a due date and the number of recurrences. Moreover, you`ll see the next date of the issue with a checklist creation in the Recurring tab.

When a customized Checklist has been created and filled with the necessary data, it`s time to choose the Project and Assignees

  To set up Scheduling, choose Recurring and watch the video below.

 To create a new issue according to recurring settings, choose Type 1. In this case, the system will create a separate task for each Checklist. 

New Checklist = New issue.

When you have chosen Type 2, all checklists will be added to the same issue.

Track Recurring in the main menu.


If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact us through SaaSJet Support or via email

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