Checklists Report

Checklists Report

Checklist Report streamlines progress tracking and reporting to enhance project visibility, providing improved insights into project status. Moreover, it enables efficient monitoring of checklist instances for Jira issues through a concise one-page report.

Once you have incorporated the checklist into the issue either manually or via an automated assignment process (Recurring Creation of a Jira Issue with a Checklist or Run Now issue creation with a checklist), it becomes available to monitor the checklist submission progress. To find the number of checklist instances, refer to the Checklist's Instance cell on the Checklist Grid.

To achieve this, simply access the Report page available on the checklists grid (identified by the Report icon) or on the checklist editor page.

Report icon on the Grid
Report icon on the Editor page

The table contains multiple columns corresponding to checklist instances attached to issues and assigned. The table heading provides key information about checklist instances, including the date of checklist inclusion, the current submission status, and additional details.

Checklists can have three types of statuses:

  1. New: Represents a recently added checklist with no data entered yet.

  2. Draft: Refers to a checklist with entered data that has not been submitted.

  3. Submitted: Denotes a completed checklist that has already been sent.

The additional details section includes information about the issue reporter, assignee, the issue where the checklist is placed, and more.

On the left side, you'll find a list of checklist items, each accompanied by the submission result within the designated timeframe. Each cell contains information about whether the checklist item is checked or not.


If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact us through SaaSJet Support or via email support@saasjet.atlassian.net

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