Setting Up Time Metrics Calculation Conditions

Setting Up Time Metrics Calculation Conditions

You can create your custom time metrics and generate reports based on them.

Adding a new Time metric

There are two ways to do this:


1—The first quick way is to create Time metric on the grid.

Click on the Time metric button in the upper right corner of the table to configure the conditions necessary to calculate a particular time metric.


2—The second way is to use the Configuration button. However, this method is more helpful for editing existing Time metrics.

To add a new time metric, click Configuration

Click + Time metrics

First, add a name to your group and select a project to monitor. Then, select statuses on which the timer should start and stop the calculation.

You can also choose a status on which the timer should pause.

After you customize your calculation preferences, set the Warning and Critical time limits 

This feature will help you to get the visual color tagging on issues to notify you when the time limits have been exceeded:

Warning time limit - yellow

Critical time limit - red

Managing Time metrics

To manage Status groups click Configuration

After entering the Time metrics manager, you can manage the metric.

Displaying Time metrics on the report

To select the time metric to display on the report, click Time metric and select the checkboxes for all the KPI’s you want to display.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact us through a SaaSJet Support or via email support@saasjet.atlassian.net

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