Time in Status per Date Report

Time in Status per Date Report

The Time in Status per Date report in Jira provides a detailed view of how much time an issue has spent in a particular status over a chosen period. This report can help answer several essential questions, including:

  • How much time has an issue spent in each status during a specific period?

  • Are there any statuses where issues are spending an unusually long time?

  • How does the time spent in each status vary over time?

  • Are there any patterns or trends in the time spent in each status?

  • How does the time spent in each status correlate with other key metrics, such as resolution time or cycle time?

  • Are there any specific dates or periods where the time spent in a status spikes?

  1. Choose the Time in Status per Date report;

  1. Filter by the category you need;

  1. Choose the date range for the data calculation;

  1. Choose the time format type that will be represented on the grid;

  1. Select the period for which you want to calculate the time in status per date value for each status.

  1. Get all the data on the grid as shown below. Time in status per Date counts the total time the sample tasks have spent in statuses.

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