Activity view

Activity view

Activity view represents a more compact format of issue history report. It provides all updates with an accent to the fields row by row. The report includes 6 columns: date of change, issue key, summary, updater, field, and changes.

What is the main difference between the Table view and the Activity view?

Table view presents updates made to the selected fields in separate columns.

Activity view presents changes made to the fields in rows like a stream or flow of activities.



  1. Switch on the Activity view.

  1. Filter issues by Project, Assignee, Sprint, Label, etc.

  1. Also, you can choose a user/users that have made updates.

  1. Select the time for updates within the last # days.

  1. Select the field/fields for which you want to monitor changes. For example, let’s choose one field - due dates.


As a result, you will get updates for the due date field for all issues in the specified project made by a selected user within the last 50 days.



You can export the Activity report to Excel, CSV or PDF file.


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