Assignee Time Report

Assignee Time Report

The Assignee time report shows the total time a particular assignee has been working on the issue. That’s why it’s especially useful for identifying who is responsible for the workflow delays.  It shows which assignee has been solving the task longer than it might be necessary. 

  1. Choose the Assignee time report;

2. Filter by the category you need;

3. Choose the time range for the data calculation;

  1. Choose the issue range for the data calculation;

5. Choose a time format type that will be represented on the grid;

6. Get all the Assignee time data on the grid as it’s shown below. 

For example, the task was assigned to Jenny Wilson for 10 hours, then moved to Jerome Bell, after a while, the task returned to Jenny Wilson and she had been working on it for 14 hours until it passed to someone else. So the total time the task was assigned to Jenny is 24 hours.

In the Assignee time report, below the column titles, the number of issues in each column, the total amount of time issues spent in work by each assignee, and the average value are calculated. The Total column performs the same calculations but is consolidated - based on all the data in the grid. This feature is available when you select the Table view of reports.

It is also worth noting that this calculation will not be displayed if you select more than 2,500 tasks.

The Summary Row option, typically located in the column header, is currently unavailable due to ongoing technical enhancements. If you require this feature, please reach out to our support team. They'll be able to activate the Summary Row specifically for your Jira instance.

Note. The average value is calculated based on issues with a time value greater than 0.

The report calculation in the Charts view occurs during the chosen period. It counts the total time the sample of tasks has spent with the Assignee. For example, the tasks have been assigned to Jenny Wilson for 24h, the last three days. To get the time the task spent with Jenny Wilson we sum all the assigned time. 


You can manage the User Groups at the Assignee Time Report on the Column manager.

Here is how you can Add a New Group or manage the existing ones (edit or delete).

When you add a new one, write down a name to your custom column and add necessary users to a group.

As a result, you'll get one column with summed data from your previously selected columns.


If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at support@saasjet.atlassian.net

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