Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This option is free to use for everyone if you stay in the expired status without canceling your subscription. Payment is required only to use the main report options.

If you've already shared credit card details, it will not be possible to stay expired and use this functionality.

Export is accessible only in the paid version.

While it is convenient to view the change history for the list of issues, Issue History for Jira also offers a well-structured and customizable report for a single issue. All changes will be presented one by one in vertical order.


  • Relevant changelog filtering

  • Flexible field selection

  • Eye-catching highlighting for updates



  1. Open Click to open the required issue.


  1. Scroll down to the Activity section


  1. and select Issue History.


You will get a well-organized report for issue updates:


  1. You can apply different types of filtering to see the specific list of changes:  Date range, Updated by, or Field filter.

  • Select the desired date preset (today, last week, last month, etc.) to narrow down the issue changelog.


  • Use the Updated by menu, type in the name, or select the person you need from the drop-down list.


How does it work:


  • Use the Field filter to select any fields (standard or custom) where you want to see changes. For instance, you can review changes only for Status.




  1. Sort by date in ascending/descending order by clicking the Arrow.


  1. Click “Go to add-on” to go to the main add-on report with all available options for the list of issues.


  1. Export to Excel, CSV, and PDF is available only in the paid version.



*Description field: You can also revert the description while opening the issue panel view (only available for the paid version).



Tracking comment history - Read how to activate


Stream mode

Stream mode provides a continuous and structured view of activity data. It shows all changes in an issue, such as added, removed, or updated details. 


This feature is free and allows efficient tracking and analysis of activity. Additionally, the data export functionality is available, meaning you can export data in a tabular format for further analysis or reporting.



If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at

Haven’t worked with the add-on yet? Give it a try


Please note that Issue History Panel View will be stored in issue properties.