Tracking comment changes in Jira

Tracking comment changes in Jira

Jira doesn’t provide a built-in option to track comment history. So, every time someone changes or rewrites a comment, you will not see its previous version. With Issue History for Jira, it’s possible to track updates made for every comment.

You need to activate the “Tracking comment changes” feature if you want to start recording comment history. It’s not enabled by default because not everyone needs it.

FYI: When the feature is enabled, the first edit of the comment is displayed in the last log, and only the next one as a separate one.

Configuration (from the main table)

  1. Open the Columns menu and find the "Comment" field. You will see a settings icon next to it.

  1. Click on the settings icon, and you will see the activation window.

  1. Select the projects where you want to track comments.

  1. Click the “Confirm” button.

Now, you just need to wait until someone changes the comments, and you will get all updates in the “Comment” column.

The result:

Add comments field to the table columns so that you can monitor changes.

Updating settings/Disabling the option

After enabling comment changes tracking, the toggle will be green.

You can change settings or disable comments tracking when opening the Columns menu, or directly on the comment column.

  • In the Columns menu:

  • Directly in the column:


To update settings, click on the settings icon and update projects where you need to track changes in comments.

To disable comment changes tracking, click on the activation toggle.

Tracking comment updates on the issue panel

This option is also available for every single issue. You can manage tracking comment changes while opening Issue History under the Activity section.

After clicking on the setting icon, you can select the desired action to perform:

  • Enable tracking comments' changes Select projects Confirm

  • Manage comments tracking (update projects you want to track)

  • Disable tracking comments' changes

Tracking comment updates on the Jira dashboard (with Activities gadget)

One more place where this feature is presented is the Activities gadget on the dashboard. Here, you also have the settings to manage comments tracking and update your selected options.


Haven't worked with this add-on yet, you’re welcome to try it

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