Keep deleted issues

Keep deleted issues

When you delete issues in Jira – they are forever gone. You can’t define who has destroyed an issue and when. Storing deleted issues function will help you to hold accountable for every deleted record. That would be extremely helpful when preparing for controls and audits.

Storing deleted issues is started only after activating the option. You can’t get record for the issues deleted before the app was installed.

Activation of the storing process

To activate the function, switch ON the “Keep Deleted Issues” toggle button. 



See the steps for tracking and restoring deleted issues. Confirm the activation of keeping deleted issues to start the process.

From the moment of confirmation, every issue you delete will be recorded. Until you delete some issue – the list will be empty.

Opening deleted issues list

There are two options to open a list with deleted issues:

  • Click on the recycle bin button:

  • Or choose the “Deleted issues” option in the “Select issues by” drop-down menu to show the deleted issues. 

*If you receive no issues when choosing the “Deleted issues” menu, check if you activated the “Keep Deleted Issues” toggle.

Filtering deleted issues

You can filter the issues list by selecting a project and the “Deleted by” option (specify a person or select any user)

The date range filtering is also available.


Once selected, the table will display the list of deleted issues from the recent to the oldest.


Only the person who activated the feature or Admin can turn it OFF. For other users, the toggle button will be disabled.

If you disable the option, storing will be stopped, but the issues that were deleted while the button was ON will be kept.

You can also export the report as Excel or CSV file.


  1. You can also restore deleted issues with Issue History for Jira


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