How to find out what changes has specific user made to all tasks during the month?

How to find out what changes has specific user made to all tasks during the month?

Case: You need to find out what changes were made to the issues assigned to the employee during August. It can be anything: updating status, editing description, moving to another project, etc.

Follow the next steps to track the changes:

  1. Choose the required option in the “Select issues by” menu. In our case, it is a project.


  2. Specify the user by typing the name or selecting from the drop-down list:


  3. Choose the date range you need, here we’ll take August:

4. Open the column’s manager and select standard/custom issue fields where you want to monitor changes.

* Date, Issue Key, and Updated by fields are predefined. Here we’ve added Assignee, Issue type, Status and Summary.

In a result, you’ll get a report with changes the particular user has made during the month to the list of tasks.

You can customize the report according to your needs.

Now, as you know how to create this report, it’s time to try it with your data.

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