Time in State for Azure DevOps

Time in State for Azure DevOps generates detailed reports that display the time each Work Item spends in various states, allowing you to estimate task durations, set accurate delivery deadlines, and optimize your workflow

⏳ Track how much time your issue spends in each status to optimize your workflow by generating detailed reports:

📈 Chart reports by displaying a sample of a specific number over a certain time range, work item range or a single Work Item

  • Pie Charts

  • Bar Charts

  • Area Charts

🚀 Get Started with Time in State

Follow our step-by-step guide to install and get started with Time in State.
Get inspired by Use Cases:

🔍 Useful resources

If you have already installed Time in Status, read the Configuration Guide on how to use features.

Most commonly used features:

🔦 More Help

Haven’t found the answers to your questions? Ask us directly via Q&A in Marketplace.

If you need any help or have questions, please contact us at SaaSJet Support or via email at support@saasjet.atlassian.net


If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at support@saasjet.atlassian.net

Haven't used this add-on yet? Try it now >>> Time in State for Azure DevOps