How do I see if there are deleted issues in my Jira projects?

How do I see if there are deleted issues in my Jira projects?

Case: You work with multiple projects and need to check if someone has deleted some issues lately.

Please remember that storing deleted issues is started only after activating the option. Read how to activate the feature in Keep deleted issues section.

If you have successfully activated the option, the toggle will be green.

deleted issues activated.png

That means every deleted issue will be tracked and shown in the deleted menu.

Next steps:

  1. You can open the list with deleted issues by:

  • Clicking on the recycle bin icon

  • Choosing the Deleted issues option in the Select issues by menu.

  1. To see the project with the deleted issues, click on the project. If there are such projects, they will be on the top of the list.

  1. Select the project you need and get the deleted issues.

Additionally, you can restore every issue.

To see deleted comments for any task, check the article: How to get deleted comments in Jira?

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