How to get SLA data via Jira API?

How to get SLA data via Jira API?

To get SLA data (Target date and SLA status) via Jira API, you need to:

  1. Enable Custom fields.

  2. Click the “Update” button to update your SLA configuration.

  3. When you have your goals for custom fields enabled, SLA data (SLA actual status and SLA Target date) will be recorded to the custom fields of issues.  To get the id (key) of custom fields, click the button shown below:

You’ll get such a pop-up window with the ID of custom fields:

3. You can use this data for Jira Cloud REST API calls.

4. Here are basic notification settings for Jira Cloud REST API via API-token, that help you to generate it.

5. As a result, you’ll get such Jira Cloud REST API query:

That’s all!🎉

This new function makes it possible to get SLA data (Target date and SLA status) via Jira API. It also allows you to configure integration with other systems.

If you need any help or have questions, please contact us via SaaSJet Support or email support@saasjet.atlassian.net

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